All You Need to Know
Everything you need to know for L'Étape Ireland 2024 in one place
L'Étape Ireland takes place on Saturday 7th September 2024 in Killarney, Co Kerry, Ireland
Registration/Pack Pick-up
Everyone must collect their race pack before they start the event. Your race pack contains important information like your race number, an info doc and timing chip.
Collection Times
Fri 6th Sep: 3pm to 9pm
Sat 7th Sep: 6am to 8am
Collection Location
L'Étape Ireland Event Village, Cathedral Green, Port Road R877, Killarney
Start Times
135km: 7.40am
98km: 7.55am
Please allow at least an hour before your start time if you are arriving on the day to park and pick up your race pack.
Start Location
R877 Port Road, outside St Mary's Cathedral, Killarney town centre
Route Maps & Links
98km Route
Route Link:
135km Route
Route Link:
Food & Hydration Stations
Hydration station: 23km, Molls Gap
Food station Blackstones: 57km, Blackstones/Glencar: full food station
Hydration station: 72km, Carragh Lake
Hydration station: 23km, Molls Gap
Food station Sneem: 58km, Sneem Village; Full food station
Food station Blackstones: 94km, Blackstones/Glencar: full food station
Hydration station: 108km, Carragh Lake
King/Queen of the Mountain Stages
14km, Molls Gap: 9.45km, 300m elevation
36km, Ballaghabema: 4.5Km
14km, Molls Gap: 9.45km 300m elevation
74km, Ballaghabema: 4.5km
Sprint Stages
98km Sprint stage: 92km, Caragh Lake sprint: 700m
135km Sprint stage: 128km, Caragh Lake sprint:: 700m
Start/Finish Location
L'Étape Ireland starts and finishes on Cathedral Green, Port Road, Killarney next to St Mary's Cathedral.
At the finish line, participants will be able to enjoy food and refreshments in the L'Étape Ireland Event Village, and meet their friends and supporters.
Kids' Cycle
The L'Étape Ireland Kid's Cycle takes place on 7th September 2024.
The L'Étape Ireland Kid's Cycle follows a route approximately 2km around Killarney town centre. Full route details can be found here:
The cycle starts at 9.30am on 7th September 2024 from the L'Étape Ireland Event Village on Cathdral Green (next to St Mary's Cathedral)
Parents/guardians can register their kids for the cycle on the day in the event village from 8.30am (it is not possible to register before then).
The cycle is open to all children between 5 and 12 years of age (you do not need to have previously registered for the L'Étape Ireland adults' cycle for your children to take part). All children must bring their own bicycle and wear a cycle helmet.
Adults are welcome to cycle with their children and must also wear a cycle helmet.
On your approach to Killarney you will be directed by our marshals to dedicated event car parking in the following locations:
Car Park 1: St Oliver National School V93 W594
Car Park 2: The Daffodil Field Cleeny, Tralee Road, Killarney V93 AT18
We encourage people to car pool and travel together.
Road Closures
A full list of road closures taking effect on 7th September 2024 can be found here